This set of DVD's comes complete with a Svengali deck of cards. The JawDroppers™ DVD's show each trick performed by Larry Anderson, followed by a step-by-step explanation of how you too can amaze your own friends with very little practice. Learn just one JawDropper and make just one impression, and you'll see how much these tapes are really worth!
- 4 Easy-To-Follow DVD's
- Over 7 Hours of Amazing Secrets & Explanations
- 81 Killer Magic Tricks, Coin Tricks, Card Tricks & More
- Concise Step-By-Step Instruction
- Designed for Non-Magicians
- No Sleight-of-Hand Necessary
- No Special Magic Props Needed
- Easy To Learn and Do
- Fun & Entertaining Just To Watch
- Guaranteed Ice-Breakers...
Perform Anytime, Anywhere!
10 Bonus Svengali Deck Tricks!
Larry Anderson says: "With these JawDroppers™, you can make an impression that people will remember for years to come. There's no better way than magic to break the ice with business contacts, new friends, or someone special you want to connect with."
21 Off-The-Cuff Stunners Using Everyday Items - 95 Minutes
- The Ultimate Utility Move
- A "Snappy" Coin Penetration
- Business Card to Dollar Bill
- Crayon Clairvoyance
- Electro-Static Toothpicks
- Twice Fooled
- Not So Flatware
- Shape-Shifting Silver
- Touched By An Angel
- A Business Sandwich
- Anti-Gravity Ring
Jaw Droppers as seen on TV
20 Tricks That Require An Ounce of Set-up, But Deliver a Ton of Impact - 116 Minutes
- Anything Goes
- A-peel-ing Wallpaper
- Baffling Bucks
- Burnt Offerings
- A Point Well Taken
- Bills From Nowhere
- Business Card-incidence
- Busted!
- Change Out of a Buck
- Ghost Trap
- The Hand-Made While-U-Wait Business Card Printer
- Helicopter Bill
- The Ash-stounding Penetration
- Gimme a Break
- Pad Your Budget
- Snip-A-Tip
- Leave 'Em Spell-Bound
- Never the Twine Shall Meet
- "Arch" Enemy
- The Haunted Bill
17 More Advanced Tricks That Take Your Magic To The Next Level - 109 Minutes
- Ultimate Utility Move
- Business Card Bamboozle
- Worth Its Salt
- Zombie Spoon
- Double Your Dough
- Silverware Shuffle
- Ring & Coin Join
- Loopy Linking Loops
- Winged Silver
- Continuous Coins
- The Spirit Grip
- Gimme Five Transposition
- Rebounding Dinner Roll
- Perplexing Penny-tration
- "X" Marks the Spot
- The Mysterious Black Hole
- Through the Table
13 Amazing Card Tricks You Can Master in Minutes PLUS 10 Bonus Tricks with the
Amazing Svengali Deck (Includes Svengali Deck)
120 Minutes
Totally Easy
- Do As I Do
- I'm Sure You Degree
- Out of My Hands
- Quick As Lightning
- The Odd Couples
- Two On A Match
Tricks With Four Aces
- An Ace-stounding Discovery
- The Drunken Shuffle
- Touchy-Feely Aces
The Amazing "Key" Card
- How The "Key" Card Works
- Gotcha!
- The Im-pulse-able Discovery Card Mentalism
- Under the Influence
- Picture Perfect Prediction
Bonus Svengali Deck Tricks
- How The Svengali Deck Works
- Somebody Stop Me
- A "Bottom" Deal
- The Airborne Card
- CopyCat Cards
- Elevator Card
- Hanky-Panky Card Penetration
- Hide N' Seek and You Shall Find
- Take A Stab At It
- The Ol' Switcheroo
- Split Decision